nature tonic

Book Review — Nature Tonic : A Year In My Mindful Life | Reviewed by Sandy Ferguson Fuller

Last Updated: September 24, 2024By



Wake up with nature! The time of night or day doesn’t matter. Your alarm may come from a brilliant, starry sky, a handful of sand, the rush of wings, a solitary snowflake, sweet lilacs, a rainbow arching out of thick mist, an acorn, a pasque flower poking through spring soil, a spider web, a frigid wind, a sunrise or sunset, full moon or soothing sun …nature tonic

How often do you pause or set aside time to truly connect with nature? It’s a free, simple pleasure and an essential, therapeutic part of living well. Writer Jocelyn De Kwant and artist Clare Owen craft their inviting workbook/journal with ample space for personal writing and drawing to lead us through 365 days of interacting with the natural world. Whether outdoors or indoors, in busy neighborhoods or quiet forests, on energizing hikes or during calm relaxation, this unique variety of activities and reflections will enhance your daily health, contentment and creativity.

The art of journaling involves writing, but it can also awaken the artist in you. How often do you tell yourself, or hear others say, “But I can’t draw like I did as a kid.” Oh yes, you can!

Nature Tonic prompts you to jot down thoughts and observations, but also to express ideas and visions with your original artwork and photos.

It’s easy to get lazy observing nature if we spend our most of our time working or playing in the same locale, especially amidst beautiful surroundings. Nature Tonic elevates mindfulness. You will sharpen your senses as you record delightful details, ever present in the ordinary, but commonly ignored. The author encourages trying different perspectives, like napping in a hammock or walking barefoot in the rain or staring into a creature’s eyes — then sharing your experience.

Nature Tonic offers a casual and inviting format, loosely organized into thematic sections which include “Natural Rhythms,” “Nocturnal Nature,” “Urban Nature,” “In The Forest,” “Earth’s Colors, Growing,” “Life Aquatic,” “Look Up To The Sky,” “Down to Earth,” “Into The Fields,” “Traveling and Tramping” and “Just Breathe”.

nature tonic Miss a day? That’s okay! No one is counting. It’s natural to skip around the pages. Choose the activity or idea that most appeals in the moment. Are you a morning or evening person? A night owl or afternoon activist? Pay attention to your personal seasons and daily rhythms, like nature. If you wake up energized, turn to the page to build a hut! If you’re feeling mellow, just dip your toes into a cool pool or waterfall. Be flexible, like nature. Mushrooms not in season? Then collect dry leaves for a collage. If you don’t have space for a backyard garden, join a community one. If you can’t spot the stars behind the clouds, focus on the night sounds and shadows. Many activities involve the outdoors but can be done indoors, too. Weather not permitting? Stay inside, light a fire, smell the sap and hear the crackle of pine … then sketch a sailboat on the sea.

The word “tonic” suggests a feeling of vigor or well-being. Keep this inspiring workbook handy. Take time to explore its
pages to feel more spontaneous, aware, connected and alive.

Awaken to nature. Miracles await. You’ll see.


Originally published in Summer + Fall 2024 issue of Well.


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