How to Create an Intentional Morning Practice | By Bailey Smith
You’re in a deep sleep, warm under your covers and all of a sudden your alarm rings. What’s the first thing you do? Maybe you immediately start scrolling through social media or email, or you run through your to-do list for the day, or maybe you’re someone who hits snooze on the alarm until the absolute last possible second.
If you knew that the way you wake up in the morning had the ability to impact your entire day ahead, would you change anything about your routine?
There are many common threads amongst successful leaders, entrepreneurs and influencers in the world — one of which is a consistent morning routine. While we may not all be striving to be the Oprah of the world, there is value in creating consistency and beginning the day with intention.
Maybe you don’t classify yourself as a “morning person” or maybe you’ve been up all night with a newborn and the last thing you want to do is think about what you’re going to do in the morning. A valuable thing to remember about a morning practice is that it’s a practice. It will ebb and flow along with your life and it’s created for you by you. It’s not about perfection or reaching an end goal, but instead it’s about consistently showing up for yourself.
It’s not about perfection or reaching an end goal, but instead it’s about consistently showing up for yourself.
Move Your Body
Go through a gentle sequence to wake your body up, while still lying in bed. Here is an example, but choose any movement that works in your body to get the blood flowing and circulation active:
- Roll out your wrists and ankles
- Half happy baby on your left*
- Supine figure four
- Supine twist
- *Repeat on the right
- Roll over to one side and come to seated
- Seated forward fold
- Neck rolls
- Close your eyes and take three deep breaths
Write a Gratitude List
Write down at least three things that you are grateful for. Whether you use a dedicated gratitude journal or a notebook, getting your thoughts down on paper and processed through your brain can shift your outlook on the day ahead. You’re beginning from a place of gratitude within your heart and your body.
Morning is a sacred time for meditation. Your mind has been influenced by very little and is still quiet from rest. You can choose to sit in silence or find a guided meditation. The objective is to practice anything that gives you an opportunity to drop into presence.
Skull shining breath, Kapalabhati pranayama, is invigorating and warming first thing in the morning. Try practicing for rounds of 30-60-90 seconds. Uplifting essential oils, such as doTERRA peppermint or wild orange are great to include into this practice as well.
“I AM” Statements
Writedown 30-50 (yes 50) “I AM…” statements and keep them by your bedside. Each morning, pick them up and read them to yourself (especially on the days you don’t want to). These statements can be ever-changing, based on what you’re personally going through, butlet them be powerful affirmations. For example: I am open. I am willing. I am learning to listen to what I need deep down…etc.
Avoid Technology
Forat least 30 minutes, give your brain and your body a chance to wake up, before introducing blue light and technology. This not only allows you to stick to your morning practice, but also lets you intentionally move into your day without the distraction of email, social media or the news.

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