“Imagine” by John Lennon, Illustrated by Graphic Artist Jean Jullien | Review by Sandy Ferguson Fuller
The hour on my mat is winding down and our class is sharing savasana for our last few minutes together. The background music shifts gently into a familiar refrain, a perfect closing.
John Lennon’s “Imagine” is one of the most resonant and restorative pieces I enjoy hearing during a yoga practice. I was excited to discover an illustrated children’s picture book which showcases this work in a new creative format and offers a core message of unity.
“Imagine” is a book for all ages, an exquisite pairing of text/lyrics and visuals. I believe children’s picture books offer a unique venue for that blend. Jean Jullien created colorful, endearing and stylistic illustrations. The book was developed in partnership with Amnesty International. A little pigeon, the central character of the storybook, befriends birds of every shape, feather or color while traveling in search of acceptance and a home.
Yoko Ono Lennon’s fitting introduction reinforces her husband John’s vision — a call for peace and unity around the world. As she writes in part:
“Imagine” is a very powerful statement, written with an incredible, deep love for humanity and its future … It makes me so happy to see this illustrated in this beautiful book … We can all help make the world a better place in our own way. We should always keep love in our hearts and look after one another … You can do it, I can do it, we can do it … Imagine. Together we can make peace happen. Then the world will truly live as one.
Now each time I hear this song at the end of a yoga practice, I lie in stillness, breathe slowly, release more tension and gather inspiration as the lyrics and Jullien’s stunning images flow through my own imagination.
Imagine there’s no heaven.
It’s easy if you try.
No hell below us.
Above us, only sky.
Imagine all the people living for today.
Imagine there’s no countries.
It isn’t hard to do.
Nothing to kill or die for, and no religion too.
Imagine all the people living life in peace.
You may say I’m a dreamer,
But I’m not the only one.
I hope some day you’ll join us,
and the world will be as one.
Imagine no possessions.
I wonder if you can.
No need for greed or hunger.
A brotherhood of man.
Imagine all the people sharing all the world.
You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.
I hope some day you’ll join us,

Originally published in the Summer + Fall 2019 issue.
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