Is It Time To Illuminate What Is Possible For You? Meet Dana Knerl, Holistic Healing Guide

Last Updated: June 14, 2022By

When Dana Knerl started her holistic healing practice in the Vail Valley seven years ago, not many people knew what Reiki or energy healing was. Due to a tumultuous past two years, she has seen more people than ever before drawn to her work to explore the spiritual aspects of health and wellness. As a leading light, Knerl guides empaths and healers through holistic healing toward their divine purpose.

“New clients frequently tell me they are having a ‘spiritual awakening,’ or they are noticing how they feel and experience other people’s energy,” Knerl shares. “I tell them they have come to the right place, and they are not alone. To me, it seems like ‘woo woo’ is becoming more mainstream, and spirituality and the metaphysical are being embraced as a part of who we are collectively.”

As a Holistic Healing Guide, Knerl sees clients from a wide variety of backgrounds with a wealth of different experiences — virtually and at her office in Avon, Colorado. She offers healing experiences like Reiki, Akashic Records readings, home energy clearings and holistic healing programs. Her philosophy through it all? “You are your own healer.”

CO YOGA + Life Magazine sat down with Knerl to learn more about her unique offerings as a Holistic Healing Guide, especially taking a close look at her signature offering: Illumination.

Dana Knerl

You specialize in helping healers care for themselves. What’s it like to be a teacher of teachers?

Every opportunity I have to work with another healer or lightworker is such a gift, and I feel honored to do so. It is vital for healers to move through their own healing and maintain a self-care routine in order to effectively help others heal. I often share with clients some of the challenges I have experienced in my own healing process. My clients often express their relief and gratitude to know that, as a healer, you do not have to be perfect. We are all on this journey together, and sharing our experiences, gifts and wisdom can have an incredible healing impact for others.

Tell us more about the Illumination Program. Why is it a unique offering and what can people expect to walk away with?

14 years ago, when I began my own Reiki training, I felt a bit alone in the process. The first two levels of Reiki training are generally very brief (about two days total). After I completed this initial training, I had so many questions. I would have loved to connect on a deeper level with a guide or mentor. Later I went on to get my Reiki Master training, but I still had a thirst for knowledge around energy healing and the chakras. I gained a wealth of knowledge through my own research and working with clients, but there were times when I absolutely wanted some support. That is what inspired me to offer Illumination as not only a holistic healing journey (because healers need healing, too), but also a mentorship in energy healing.

What makes this program unique is the individualized one-on-one guidance, and the structure which includes a strong focus on self-care and receiving the healing modality of Reiki that you are learning to give to others. Clients leave the program with the ability to identify their own energy imbalances and self-care tools to bring themselves back into energetic alignment. The intention behind Illumination is to help shed light on who you are energetically and how to heal and harmonize your own energy. When someone is ready and open to step into this deeper healing process, I’ve seen people significantly decrease their anxiety and release trauma, reconnect to their joy and passion for life, build their confidence, feel unconditional self-love, express their truth, ignite their intuition, deepen their spiritual connection and so much more.

Illumination is offered both in-person and virtually, so you can move through this experience from anywhere in the world. An introductory phone call is required so any potential client and I can chat to make sure it is a good fit for both of us to work together. Registration for the program is available throughout the year on a rolling basis.

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