Make Shift Happen | by Juli Rathke

Last Updated: April 30, 2019By

Hey friends! The word meditate has some serious negative connotations. For some reason people envision a patchouli wearing inidividual sitting in the lotus position levitating over an oasis of flowers while strange ambient sounds come from some of the world’s less-known musical instruments. While this can be true in some instances, it is also true that this person we depict also usually has a very pleasant look about them, is soft-spoken, confident and at peace with the world around them.

I think it’s convenient to just go along with the this perception because it makes meditation “not for you” or inaccessible because you don’t practice yoga and you aren’t even sure what patchouli is.

Well, I would like to challenge your mind set. The definition of “meditate” is as follows:

Meditate verb)
med· i· tate
| \ ˈme-də-ˌtāt
to engage in contemplation or reflection

Do you want something to shift in your life?

Are you stressed out by what is going on and the unpredictability of a particular relationship at home, work or in a business?

Do you have a major life decisions going on that feels totally out of your control?

If you said “yes” to any of the above, then meditation is really what you need, and now.

I am not going to tell you it’s easy to turn your mind off, in fact the mind thinks up to 70,000 thoughts per day – that is about 3000 per hour or 50 per minute, or just under one per second, according to Deepak Chopra, modern-day thought leader and founder of the Chopra Center where they teach people to meditate among many other innovative and intuitive health programs.

So, instead of me telling you how good it is to meditate, why don’t you just try it for yourself?

I have a few guided meditations that have the listed themes below. Give it a whirl, and then do me a favor and let me know how it works out for you! I am in the middle of recording more and would love to know what other topics you wish to meditate on.

Doing this together!
Juli Rathke, Founder Y+L

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