Parayoga – A Tantric Perspective | By Betsy Weiner

Last Updated: December 1, 2017By

When most people hear the word tantra, they think of sex. While there is a branch of tantric practice that involves very detailed sexual practices, that is not the whole story and definitely not what this article is about. Let’s keep our clothes on while I give you a brief description of a completely different understanding of tantra and, more specifically, Parayoga.

Parayoga falls under the umbrella of tantra and it means “stretching beyond limitation” or “to weave.” In many modalities of yoga, there is an emphasis on one or two areas of practice, like asana and pranayama. In tantric hatha practices, we often weave together many different techniques in order to elicit a specific outcome.

In tantra we are looking for freedom in this world, not from this world.

A Parayoga class may consist of an asana practice incorporating bandhas, chanting, pranayama, and meditation, all together. These elements are not put together haphazardly. Parayoga aims to utilize these practices so that our energy feels more concentrated and more contained, so we may feel less reactive, more free, more balanced, centered, and connected to our own power. In tantra, we are looking for freedom in this world, not from this world.

Classical yoga points to managing our mind in order to manage our energy. Parayoga and tantra ask us to manage our energy in order to consciously direct our mind. This is a different approach for the same outcome; achieving the state of yoga, or union.

Parayoga can trace its roots back thousands of years in the Sri Vidya tradition. Sri Vidya is one of the arms of tantra that revolves around the Divine Mother. Sri means resplendent and vidya means knowledge. Walking this path means that you are devoted to attaining the highest or greatest state of knowledge.

Rod Stryker

The founder of Parayoga, Yogarupa Rod Stryker, has been teaching for over 35 years. He has dedicated his life to the continuation of bringing this information to modern practitioners.

Parayoga’s practices and techniques are part of a thousands-year-old tradition that can be traced to a lineage including Bengali Baba, Swami Rama, Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, and of course, Yogarupa Rod Stryker. Part of the mission statement of Parayoga explains: “…Our unique approach is to combine authoritative knowledge, direct experience, and accessibility so that students and teachers of all levels – and society as a whole – are uplifted by yoga and tantra’s time-tested practices, leading to ultimate fulfillment and freedom.”

Parayoga classes offer unique practices in order to unlock greater personal potential, fulfillment, and growth.

For more information and for a list of Parayoga certified teachers, go to


is a microcosm of the macrocosm. She is a yoga teacher, integrative wellness coach, a writer, dancer, wife, mom, friend and moonlights as a backup singer in a local cover band. Find out more at


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