Sacred Space Productions

Partner Profile : Sacred Space Productions

Last Updated: January 2, 2025By

Kathie Fingerson facilitates and nurtures symbiotic relationships. With over 25 years of experience in show production, she bridges the appropriate communities to applicable holistic, natural and alternative health practitioners. Sacred Space Productions produces specialized events to market holistic wellness providers, practitioners and products. Their annual event, the Holistic Trade Show, draws thousands of attendees to Grand Junction, Colorado.

“Relationships start here and lead to better community health and business wealth,” Fingerson explains. “The consumer has a chance to visit an event without being obligated to anything. And holistic businesses get the opportunity to showcase their knowledge and expertise.”

Along with their vendors, Sacred Space Productions emphasizes whole body healing in everything they do. Fingerson transforms ordinary places into sacred spaces for the public good. The synergy is palpable: a vast resource base for all beings to energetically tap into. Each and every workshop, presentation, vendor and show contributes to a shared pool of wisdom, inspiring collaboration and mutual support. Together, vendors and attendees alike create an uplifting environment where ideas and connections thrive.

“There are some really amazing professionals out there that provide unfamiliar modalities,” Fingerson says. “The solution is to create sacred spaces where the public can go to see the person or company behind the service.”

Events are strategically planned to streamline business to vendors, leaving talented individuals with new clients and revenue. The said clients instantly gain fresh perspectives and restoring nourishment.

Sacred Space Productions is a premier producer of holistic events, and their proven results help grow businesses and elevate lifestyles.




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