Spotlight : Avita Yoga® On-Demand

Last Updated: November 24, 2020By


Yoga Loft opened in August of 2012 with one primary motivating ambition: to bring yoga to the many who need it most. Yoga has evolved the same way the fitness industry has evolved, by adding intensity in increasingly creative ways. But yoga was never intended to be a fitness routine. It’s not wrong to alter, but in a push toward more heat, more sweat, more intensity, and more hype to support it, the essence of yoga has been diluted, if not lost, over the last 50 years. It’s gotten to the point where only those who are able to do it, do it. And so modern-day yoga has become a practice for the youthful, able-bodied who are readily drawn to the accomplishment of the poses and movements.

Avita Yoga® was born as a way to support the vast majority of people left in the wake of yoga’s increasingly athletic progression. Avita Yoga is a practice based on unique non-linear, non-athletic principles which is what makes it remarkably healing. Anyone can practice Avita Yoga and benefit from it.

While Avita Yoga is a body-centered practice, it challenges the mind (where all healing occurs). If we are ever to really heal, we must use the body to get to the mind, the super-computer that oversees the body. No helpful, lasting change will occur unless we include the mind, which is why people get such great results, and have fun doing so! Speaking of levels, Avita™ takes a consistent multi-level approach that works for people of all ages and abilities. Avita Yoga relies on time-tested principles that span three levels of practice.

Avita Yoga® Green

This is where the magic happens. Green classes make up the majority of the Avita practice because this is what most people need. Green classes take a reductionist approach to yoga so that neither the body nor the mind are overwhelmed. In fact, the soothing pressure induces healing in body and mind for anyone who practices them. In many ways, it’s all we need. Green classes are the essential starting place for anyone with injuries, chronic pain, stiffness or general issues that come with the aging process. People are drawn to the simplicity because it’s where we get the results!

Avita Yoga® Orange

With time and practice, students are naturally drawn to Avita Orange, but there’s no rush. Avita Yoga is an “undoing” that resolves impact of conflict and trauma in the body and mind. As mobility and health improve, confidence increases, and the student is naturally ready for more time, pressure and complexity in that Avita Orange classes offer.

Avita Yoga® Red

The assumption is made here that the student has worked through chronic pain issues along with many of the compensatory patterns that accompany them (which can take months, if not years). It does no good to push the body if the hidden pattern remains because when we push the body, we fall into the very pattern (and pains) that we’re trying to resolve, which brings temporary results. This is a very important concept and it is often overlooked in most yoga traditions because we’ve fallen into the trap that we have to advance the shape or posture in order to improve. This is simply not true, and yet it forms the basis for almost every form of yoga. The underlying belief is that once I accomplish this or that shape and get it “right,” all will be good. We can get away with it in our youth, but there are often consequences in later years.

The demand is high in Avita Red classes, but for those who have honestly worked through the progression of Avita Green and Orange, the Red classes will be experienced as nurturing and sustainable.

What are some of the benefits of the Avita Yoga practice?

This is a very good question, because yoga should always be about the benefits and not the accomplishment of it. The benefits, regardless of age or ability, are simple: increased mobility and circulation, improved joint health and function, and deep, long-lasting peace of mind.

We have several websites to help people learn more and take the simple steps to get started with the remarkable practice.

With all the craziness going on outside, doing Avita three to four times a week is helping me stay calm on the inside … my happy place. Thanks for offering the On Demand and the Live Stream classes!

~ Elizabeth, Avita Yoga student is the place to go for a systematic approach that gets anyone started with confidence. Here, the student who has perhaps never done yoga before will be able to equip themselves with the materials to get started. Watch the informative videos and read through the material and Q&A section to really get a feel for the unique nature of the practice and how it can help people live and move more freely.

Check out to see daily offerings of live-streaming classes and library of replays available 24/7.


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