
Try This Daily Self-Care Routine to Nourish Your Mental Health | By Cora Gold

Last Updated: October 23, 2022By

While trying to balance work, family and relationships, it’s easy to forget about yourself in your daily routine. Self-care is making sure your needs and desires are met on a daily basis. It is worth fitting into your daily routine no matter how small they are.

Mental health conditions are some of the most common to be diagnosed with. Over 50% of people will be diagnosed with a mental illness or disorder at some point in their life. Around one in five Americans will experience a mental illness in any given calendar year. To be sure you fight the statistics, take steps in your daily self-care routine to nourish your mental health.

Set a Sleep Schedule

Having a sleep schedule to follow every night is essential to your health and well-being. Our bodies love routines, so deciding on a general time that you will wake up and go to bed every night is a great way to let your body get the rest it needs.

When following a sleep routine, you can see benefits like regulating appetite, improved focus and productivity, and better athletic performance. Prioritizing your sleep schedule will help your mental health thrive.

Cook a Healthy Meal

Eating healthy foods is one of the best ways to nourish your mind and body. To ensure you’re functioning at your best, you need to get nutrients into your diet. Not only does cooking healthy meals fuel your body, but it also takes your attention to the present moment and relaxes you.

Nutrient-rich foods not only relieve your hunger and keep your body healthy, but they can reduce your risk of depression. Your body and mind are connected, so nourishing your physical being can have positive effects on your mental and emotional wellness.

Do a Skin Care Routine

Taking care of yourself is one of the best forms of self-care. Adding a skincare routine into your morning and night rituals can be the little change you need to feel good.

Sometimes using a body scrub or putting on a moisturizer is a small but glamorous step to help us feel like we’re doing something for ourselves. Take the time to care for your hygiene and bask in the reward of doing something for yourself.

Take Care of Your Living Space

Make sure you’re keeping your space clean and organized. When your living situation becomes cluttered and messy, it can make you feel like you’re stuck in a place you don’t want to be. Along with decluttering, add some elements to your home to make it calmer. The energy your living space gives off can affect your mental health.

For example, a popular interior trend is feng shui, which suggests you are influenced by your environment. You can use colors to balance energy and provide calmness in your space. Adding grays, whites, and metallic tones can help with peace and clarity.

Try Exercise

Exercising every day does not mean running three miles or doing anything extreme. You can do whatever feels right for you, whether it’s strength training or just walking around your neighborhood. Doing at least 30 minutes of your preferred exercise daily can improve poor mental health.

Practice Your Routine

Setting a daily self-care routine can be just what your mental health needs to boost happiness. Making sure you prioritize yourself – especially when feeling low moods or anxiety – is essential to combat those feelings.

Photo by Kalos Skincare.

Cora Gold has a passion for living a happy, healthy and mindful life. As Editor-in-Chief of Revivalist and an avid writer, she aims to inspire others to do the same. Follow Cora on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

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