Walking the Line : Taking Small Steps to Achieve a Steady Work-life Balance | By Kelly Lam

Last Updated: June 24, 2021By

Work-life balance is a struggle for most of us; but it’s something which must be mindfully considered if we are to live a well-balanced life. The toughest part of achieving this is maintaining the “balance,” which easily slips away. That’s why I recommend starting with small, steady and intentional steps. work-life balance

Consider what aspects of your life take top priority and create a list from there.

The first step toward achieving a solid work-life balance requires time, so take what you need to think about the things in your personal life that hold value, keep you grounded and bring you happiness. Beginning with this first step will help you prioritize your needs and wants. It’s easier said than done, though, no matter which position in life you hold. Whether you are embarking on a new career, running a business and/or raising a family, life moves fast, and days fill up quickly. It’s easy to get lost in your title and consumed with your day, drowning in responsibilities, which ultimately leaves you feeling drained and thinking, “If I can just get it all done, it will be a successful day.” 

Well, we can get it all done. work-life balance

Along the way I’ve learned a few invaluable secrets that I’ll share with you. The first is the most important: It’s ok if you don’t get it all done in one day. It will get done. The following have helped me tremendously when I revert back to taking on too much and get overwhelmed and frustrated:

  • Know your priorities to make you day fulfilled
  • Remember you are only one person
  • Draw your line
  • Break bad habits work-life balance
  • Be mindful of your time

Before I go to bed every night, I schedule my workout class for the next day because this is critical to clearing my mind, gaining positive energy and starting my day off right. This is my first priority in being a better “me.” Only then can I begin to give back to the people and things I care about.

Next, I remember I am only one person. I try my best to review my daily or weekly schedule and not overextend myself or make promises and commitments I cannot keep. I always feel more balanced when I fulfill all my responsibilities, even if I have to say no to some things, which helps me draw my line.

Admittedly, I hate to say no. I love life’s activities and I don’t want to let anyone down. And I definitely don’t like the FOMO. This one is especially hard for me, but it’s very important for my own sense of wellbeing that I’m honest and realistic on where I can be and what I can deliver. This is why it is so important to break bad habits! work-life balance

Breaking bad habits relieves stress in my life because it’s so easy to relapse into neglecting “me time” by overscheduling and overextending. It’s crucial to take it week by week, look at my schedule and just remember how to stay on the right track. This, of course, requires being mindful of my time.

When we get lost giving everything to others, we forget our time is valuable, too. That’s why it’s essential to remind ourselves we count. When we remember this, we lose the guilt, resentment and frustration that comes along with forgetting and start living that well-balanced life — at work and at home.

Kelly Lam is a wellness expert and founder of The Whole Purpose, a company that offers individuals and corporations an innovative approach to physical and emotional wellbeing through Mindful Wellness and Purposeful Communication. After many years working in corporate America, Kelly realized the vital need for healthy and balanced wellness solutions. She has brought ‘whole’ solutions to various global corporations, and exercises her talents by producing corporate and specialty events that are customized to promote individual health on a broad scale. Kelly’s passion and expertise combine to create a unique connection with her clients that stems from her own personal journey towards wellness, coupled with the desire to empower others. With many years in the wellness and nutrition sector, Kelly is a seasoned consultant and teacher of yoga, nutrition and health programs designed to achieve optimal wellbeing.

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