Try It Out : TriggerPoint IMPACT | By Bobby L’Heureux

Last Updated: November 23, 2020By

There are so many options on the market for impact therapy guns. I found myself lost somewhere in between the 600 dollar and under 100 dollar price range. I did not want the Cadillac, but I was not looking to roll with a Pinto either. I was lucky enough to try TriggerPoint’s IMPACT Therapy gun.

While I am inexperienced in the many brands that exist, I know the value of self-care and I have felt the results you can achieve from using an impact therapy gun. Coming in just under 200 dollars, the IMPACT seemed like a good option and TriggerPoint has not let me down in the past with recovery products.

The IMPACT has been a game changer for recovery as well as pre-workout in many ways. The IMPACT comes with four speeds. I have found putting the setting up high for a pre-workout massage has allowed for increased blood flow which cuts down on my warm up time. This is substantially helpful since it takes over 20 minutes these days for me to get the motor fully revving. I also have felt an increase in my range of motion from using the IMPACT before I get moving.

For recovery it is the tool I really needed. I try my best to roll out on my Grid Vibe Roller from TriggerPoint, another awesome recovery tool, but I only get so much of my muscles. With the IMPACT I am able to get the larger muscles as well as the more subtle muscle points. A majority of the time I start on the lowest setting, building up to a faster impact as time passes. The IMPACT gets really deep into my tissues and it helps relieve soreness and stiffness allowing for a faster recovery.

I tend to bring the IMPACT everywhere these days. The shape and design make it easy to pack and use while traveling. We recently drove to Maine and back and without the IMPACT I am not sure my hips would have allowed for so many hours in the driver’s seat.

After several months of testing, I’m confident to share that the TriggerPoint IMPACT is a fair price and definitely can help anyone keep up with self-care and recovery.

$199.99 —

Photos courtesy of TriggerPoint.


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