Try It Out : Uqora for Urinary Tract Health | By Lexi Reich

Last Updated: September 23, 2020By

Uqora is on a mission to create positive dialogue around urinary system health. Built in collaboration with physicians and urologists, Uqora sells products dedicated to tackling urinary health in an innovative way.

Based in San Diego, founder Jenna Ryan believes in using science-backed ingredients to promote urinary tract health rather than relying on antibiotics on a daily basis from contracting UTIs. She herself had eight UTIs in 2014 and wanted to relieve women of what she calls the “awful cycle.” In partnership with her husband, Spencer Gordon, Uqora now helps thousands of women develop a healthy mindset around vaginal health.

Yoga + Life relationships coordinator, Amber Griggs, tested Uqora for preventative measures.

“The experience overall was very positive,” she says. “I immensely enjoy the fact that for once the side of a pill bottle isn’t riddled with words that are impossible to pronounce and that it didn’t include harsh substances not meant for the human body. I like the direction that companies are trying to make towards a more natural experience.”

She believes it is time that more companies take the approach to actually help instead of medicate. Griggs tested target, promote and control over a one-month period.

“I was in love with target, the pink lemonade powder supplement,” she shares, adding she used it before and after the gym. “Women are aware of how necessary it is to flush your body of toxins after activity, especially those women who struggle with constant UTIs.”

“For me it’s like watering a flower in your garden. You wouldn’t put harsh chemicals on it, let it dry out or trim it incorrectly. Clearly that flower or herb might still survive because it is resilient, but it won’t thrive,” she explains. “I want my body to be happy with how I’m taking care of it and sometimes we have to be proactive in our efforts, so we don’t have to backpedal. I like that this is the message here and I hope that it’s truly helping others as well.”


Uqora provides healthy, natural products that are pro-active in avoiding UTI infections. Griggs felt energized while taking the various supplements and loved the array of vitamins included in each dose. It’s a great alternative to harsh antibiotics.


Since Griggs wasn’t experiencing any UTI issues during the test, it was hard to tell how much of an effect it had with just a month trial. / 1-month supply $25.50


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