Partner Profile : Elderberry’s Farm

Last Updated: May 6, 2021By

Elderberrys Farm offers a place to slow down and be with plants, as well as learn about natural health, herbal medicines and wild foods. At Elderberrys, they encourage you to rest and reawaken a deep connection with the healing power of nature.

Elderberrys is a beautiful herbal sanctuary where visitors can come to remember the cycles of nature. Take a break from busy life to experience the healing power of plants and all the earth has to offer. Elderberrys is centered around the nature cure” philosophy, which includes traditional ways of rediscovering health and balance in the body, such as abundant fresh air, sunshine, peaceful rest, playful recreation, outdoor hydrotherapy and a diet focused on nutrient-dense whole foods and herbs.

Those interested in rejuvenation and reconnection with natural health, heart and spirit, and with the daily rhythms of the sun, moon and stars should consider a trip to Elderberrys in Paonia, Colorado. Enjoy their expansive Rocky Mountain views, bubbling creek, fruit trees and herb gardens. Their workshops and retreats offer an opportunity to learn more about the nature cure,” herbal healing, medicine-making, self-care strategies and cooking with wild foods.

The team at Elderberrys welcome all who feel a call to connect more deeply with themselves, with nature and with the plant world. They have much to offer to those who want to immerse themselves in nature and incorporate medicinal plants and wild foods into daily life.

Learn more about the farm:



PAONIA, CO 81428

720.722.4372 (text only)

Elderberrys Farm is a valued Annual Partner with YOGA + Life® Magazines.


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