Partner Profile : Exhale to Inhale

Last Updated: August 9, 2022By

Founded in honor of survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, Exhale to Inhale provides a powerful, body-based resource for healing from trauma. Exhale to Inhale uses the healing practices of trauma-informed yoga to empower survivors, while helping communities to develop the skills and knowledge to support them.

The studio is a leading provider of trauma-informed yoga classes and education. Trauma informed yoga is an evidence-based modality that uses breathwork, gentle movement and empowerment to support the healing of those who’ve experienced trauma. The team believes that everyone has the inherent power to heal themselves and that we all have the right to feel strong and safe in our bodies. They’ve learned that, given the space, one can honor past experiences to become empowered beyond trauma. Exhale to Inhale’s team knows that yoga can help us reconnect to ourselves and our worthiness. And, they recognize and understand the importance of offering this healing practice to individuals who work with survivors.

From participating in trauma-informed yoga trainings or classes, one can expect a significant decrease in stress and bodily pain and an increased sense of agency. Folks can also benefit from becoming a part of a trauma-informed community.

Exhale to Inhale was founded to support survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. The owners and team strive to benefit survivors and those who support survivors to grow and thrive. Their trauma-informed methodology is rooted in safety, simplicity and choice-based philosophy. Exhale to Inhale offers classes for survivors, partner agency staff and the community at large. They also train teachers, leaders and counselors to lead in a trauma-informed way. Because trauma is not only an event but an experience held in the body, the methodology used is self-empowering and provides survivors with the resources necessary to reconnect with their bodies, calm their nervous systems and decrease levels of stress. Most importantly, once experienced, it can be used anywhere and at any time.

Learn more about the studio:


1732 1st Avenue #21133

New York, NY 10128


Exhale to Inhale is a valued Annual Partner with YOGA + Life® Magazine.

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