Sedona Yoga Festival

Sedona Yoga Festival Celebrates 10 Years | By Kristen Grace

Last Updated: December 5, 2023By

Immerse yourself in the yoga community and the captivating landscape of Sedona Arizona from April 27 to 30, 2023for Sedona Yoga Festival’s Conscious Evolution Conference. This year, Sedona Yoga Festival celebrates its 10th birthday, and the theme of the milestone festival is Emerge to Imagine.

Sedona Yoga Festival

“Come out, dear ones, and imagine the beautiful, abundant, equitable and just societies that we can co-create, and trust that it may always be even more wonderful than you can imagine. Recognize that, with each breath, you are a part of the whole of creation,” invites Heather Shereé Sanders, SYF producer.

“Our aim with the offerings this year is to support those who show up with the tools to increase awareness of how each unique way of being — each independent action, intention, thought — is responsible to the whole, is interdependent, in that we each affect the outcome for humanity. As we all emerge from what has proven to be a time of deep introspection — shadow work, even — and increased self-aware-ness, we are anticipating that ‘self’ care begins to take the shape of community care,” Sanders elaborates.

Sanders shares that the conference is more intimate than in years past. Offerings include yoga classes and workshops, mind-fulness, metaphysics, sacred chant, sound healing, kids’ yoga, continuing education units, 20-hour trauma-conscious training, excursions into the Coconino National Forest surrounding Sedona and more.Sedona Yoga Festival

Sedona Yoga Festival boasts diverse offerings and teachers. “We pride ourselves on finding amazing teachers that are not al-ways drawn to the festival circuit and curating a program unlike any other, where each attendee may choose their own adventure from the numerous offerings available on the schedule,” Sanders says. “We always have a huge roster of teachers so that none is deemed more important than the other. It is all the parts that make up the whole, as is acknowledged in this year’s theme: Emerge to Imagine.”

If you are ready for transformation and connection with the natural world, SYF is for you. As Sanders says, “The powerful vortex landscape of Sedona amplifies the effects of the practice, especially when we all practice together over a series of days.”

Learn more at Use the code SYF-YOGALIFE to get 5%off your ticket.

Featured image by Alan Alcid. 

Kristen Grace ardently loves all forms of storytelling. Writing and reading light her up, and she feels immensely lucky to contribute to culture through her writing. She enjoys spending time in nature, especially on picnics as she is also a foodie and armature baker.

Originally published in Winter + Spring 2022-23 issue.


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