yoga for hips

Yoga for Strong + Open Hips : 5 Hip Openers Your Body Will Love | By Lexi Reich

Last Updated: December 12, 2023By

Our hips play a vital role in the body’s stability and mobility, influencing everything from our posture to our gait. Created by Vytas Baskauskas, this yoga practice offers a holistic approach to cultivating strength and openness in the hips.

Previously a contestant on Survivor, Baskauskas has over two decades of experience bringing a functional and technical approach to yoga’s classic methodology. Today, he teaches at a studio in Santa Monica and shares weekly classes on YogaWorks, a virtual platform offering a diverse array of yoga classes to help students from all walks of life feel their best.


triangle pose for hips

Photos courtesy of YogaWorks.

Stand tall, spread the legs and turn one foot outward. As you fold over the leg, keep both sides of the waist long and the legs strong. While breathing and staying mindful in this pose, it will strengthen your outer hips and hamstrings.

Triangle Pose offers various benefits: improves flexibility, strengthens legs and core, enhances lateral spine mobility, better balance and reduces stress. It also stimulates the sacral chakra, which plays an important role in well-being.


side lung for hips

From spread legs, turn the feet out a bit and squat deeply into one leg. The foot should stay flat on the floor while the foot on the straight leg will flex so that the forefoot lifts and only the heel stays down. Try to get all of the weight into your squatting foot and leg. This pose takes a little bit more flexibility in the ankles and knees but can be supported by having the hands on the floor for those who are tight.

Side Lunge offers multiple benefits: stretches inner thighs, hamstrings and groins, enhances lower body flexibility, strengthens quadriceps as you oscillate from side to side and improves balance. It opens hips, increases hip mobility and engages core muscles. Regular practice can aid in improving overall lower body strength, stability and posture.

Virabhadrasana II

warrior 2 for hips

From spread legs, turn one leg out and bend the knee about 90 degrees. Spread the arms and turn the head to gaze out over the leg that is bent. This pose strengthens the outer hips quadriceps and hamstrings — muscles that will ultimately support the lower back. It is one of the most important standing poses in our yoga practice.

Warrior offers numerous benefits: strengthens and tones legs, hips and core muscles, improves lower body stability. It stretches groins, chest and shoulders, enhancing flexibility. The pose improves focus, promotes better body awareness and fosters a sense of inner strength and confidence.

4. 90/90 STRETCH

90/90 stretch for hips

In a seated position, spread the legs moderately, bend the knees and turn to face one leg. That hip will be in external rotation while the leg out to the side will have hip internal rotation. Tighter yogis will notice that they have to lean away from the internally rotated leg a little bit. Do your best to sit up tall and keep the legs active for a move proactive stretch.

90/90 Pose offers several benefits: opens hips, stretches groins and thighs, improves flexibility. It releases tension in the lower back and hip region. The pose encourages proper spinal alignment, aids in seated meditation and can be therapeutic for sciatica and hip discomfort.

Adho Mukha Svanasana

three legged dog for hips

In Downward Facing Dog, lift one leg and turn the hips open. As the pelvis turns, you’ll notice the leg lifting higher (this is good). Keep the leg lifted and breathe into the sides of your waist for a great side stretch while the glutes activate.

Three Legged Dog benefits include: opens hips and stretches sides, improving flexibility. It is a partial inversion and, thus, stimulates blood flow. The pose releases tension in the lower back and strengthens the shoulders and glutes.

lexi reich headshot

Lexi Reich

Managing Editor

@lexi_reich |


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