Yoshi Aono : Founder of Hanuman Community | By Lexi Reich

Last Updated: December 11, 2022By

Yohsi Aono starts his day off with hot lemon water and tea or coffee. Meditation comes next, followed by a workout or light asana practice. To most, this may seem simple. But to Aono, as the founder of Hanuman Community — the creator behind Boulder’s renowned Hanuman Yoga Festival — this morning routine is what allows him to share joy and serve his community the best he can.

“I used to wake up off and running but have been finding the magic in slowing down to notice all the little things in life,” he shares. “Emails and any scheduled meetings take up a portion of my day. There’s time spent playing the guitar and learning more about the instrument. Time in nature is important, and I’m getting outside as much as possible. You’ll also find me connecting with friends during the day.”

Aono launched Hanuman Community in 2011 with the purpose of sharing conscious yoga practices with the world. Today, the brand has three branches: Hanuman Festival, a conscious yoga and music festival that takes place in Boulder each summer; Hanuman Adventures, which takes yogis around the world on service-oriented retreats; and Hanuman Academy, an online education platform for people to deepen, expand and grow their yoga practice.

“Hanuman has taught me that we all have it within ourselves to do amazing things,” Aono explains. “If we believe in ourselves, you may transcend any situation that isn’t working for your life. Our ultimate happiness is within reach if we are devoted to it.”

CO YOGA + Life sat down with Aono to learn more about his journey to starting Hanuman Community and what he’s learned along the way.

How Long Have You Lived In Colorado? How Did You Come To Be A Yogi, Guitarist And Humanitarian?

I’ve been a Colorado resident for over 32 years. Before then, I spent time on the island of Kauai, Hawaii, where I lived naked on a beach within a community of artists and musicians. I was introduced to the practice of yoga when members of the community decided to do asana in front of my tent in the mornings. I was also introduced to the practice of tantra and veganism through a group of practitioners from Maui that I had met.

I’ve been a student of the guitar for over 40 years and played guitar and mandolin in a touring and recording band in the first half of the 90s. It was a wild lifestyle, and I’m glad to have had the experience. I’m always trying to learn more about the guitar and realize how it’s been with me for so much of my life.

Humanitarianism came into my life after joining an aid trip to Thailand after the tsunami in 2007. I received so much by giving. That experience led me on a path of involvement and leading special projects in different parts of the world.

What Was Your Journey To Creating Hanuman Community Like?

My journey to the Hanuman companies has been a long road. I found that things I had done in the past gave me the tools and skillsets to birth businesses centered around the spirit of Hanuman. I have been a creative for most of my life but also entered the business world. I felt the need to create a stable financial base for myself in life and tried my hand in different ventures. I’ve been a serial entrepreneur and have also served as a CEO for a mid-size company. My heart led me to do humanitarian work in places like Haiti, Cambodia, Africa, Thailand and Louisiana. All these things contributed to Hanuman Festival’s 10-year longevity. Hanuman is a devotional practice, and it takes a deep commitment to see things through year after year. I love it!

There Was A Shift At Hanuman Festival Last Summer. Can You Share Insight Into The Changes That Have Been Made?

During the pandemic, I started taking courses on soil regeneration and climate consciousness. What I found out inspired me, and I started to connect with the local farming community. There was so much work being done to regenerate land and to slow down the rate of climate change. I was also witnessing the yoga community fracturing itself around vax/anti-vax arguments. The intention of this year’s Hanuman was to bring the community together around a central theme that we could stand behind. There is so much knowledge around climate consciousness that may empower our community to move forward out of the pandemic around a central cause. This year’s attendees were mind blown and deeply inspired around the wisdom of planet Earth and the power we have as a community to slow down the rate of climate change.

What Have Been The Biggest Challenges In Your Role? The Biggest Triumphs?

My life has been provided much grace. I’m healthy and grateful to be alive with great friends and community. I’m inspired by so many things and am always learning. My biggest challenge would be to get out of my own way. I realize that my ego self can hold me back. Life is short, and the veils are thin. I always ask myself, “How do I want to experience this life?” My practice is to be free to experience all the things in life that bring me joy and to serve the community as best I can.

Hanuman Festival returns July 13-16, 2023. Learn more at hanumanfestival.com. Connect with Aono at @yoshiaono.

Photos courtesy of Yoshi Aono. 

Originally published in Winter + Spring 2022-23 issue.

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