Drop “Busy” + Create a More Fulfilling To-Do List | By Jessica Denton
Do you ever look back and feel like the last few months are one tangled blur of events? You did a stellar job ‘getting everything done,’ but realize you’re only a few months in and have nothing left to give?
I get it. I know how busy you are. I also understand the way our culture celebrates busyness. But when did the idea of being super busy surpass an experience of sheer delight?
What if you were able to recreate your to do list — so it felt more like a life you didn’t need a vacation from? Because at the end of the day, being uber busy isn’t sustainable. Waiting until we’re approaching crisis or break down isn’t a viable option either.
Instead of waiting for vacation or when an old friend comes into town, could you live a life where you’re inspired, connected and curious? Where you have fun and laugh on the daily?
You may be thinking, “Oh yeah right — it must be really nice to have time for things like that.” Again, I see how busy you are. But if you’re reading this article then you’re probably longing for something beyond your to-do list filled with errands, appointments, work and other should-dos.

Photo by Jessica Denton
So, I invite you to create a ‘fulfillment list.’ Schedule downtime. I don’t mean sitting back, unplugging and binge-watching Netflix. I mean nutritious leisure time. Filling in the gaps with little moments of joy. Creating a life that feels as good on the inside as it looks on the outside.
Can you create a to-do list prioritizing tasks where contentment and meaning mesh together? Maybe we even call it something different, such as a Fulfillment List, because a fulfilled life shouldn’t just be a nice thing to have; it should be a must have. Feeling fulfilled is essential to our sense of self, physical and mental well-being and healthy relationships. It also effects our ability to model what a full, meaningful life looks like to our children, families, friends, colleagues and communities.
What goes on this list, you ask? Begin by approaching it from a place of value-based curiosity.
If you’re looking for inspiration, ask yourself these questions: What do you want to learn about? Who, where and what do you daydream about? Who are you craving time with? Are you spending enough time in nature? What do you want to do more or less of?
In our fast-paced society, where we demand near instant gratification, the pursuit for doing more, having more, as fast as possible often leaves us depleted and dissatisfied. So, how can we maintain our energy levels and be active participants in our own life? We get curious. Find connection. Find meaning. Schedule a lunch date with a friend. Write a handwritten letter. Spend a day outside. Eat something delicious. Give yourself a 24-hour break from social media. Plan a date night, possibly just with yourself. Have a dance party in the living room. Donate something. These are the power foods for the human soul.
Featured image by Suzy Hazelwood.

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