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How to Create a Mantra for 2023 (+ Stick to It) | By Cora Gold

Last Updated: January 30, 2023By

A “mantra” once sounded exotic, something reserved for spiritual mystics. Today, everyone is using them, from the world’s most popular celebrities to everyday people. They swear by their power to transform your life — have you created yours yet?

Writing a statement to guide your life might sound like an intimidating task. However, you can’t get it wrong as long as you keep it upbeat and relevant to your beliefs and goals. You can draw inspiration from various places or spend time in mindfulness, letting your motto arise from within like water bubbling up from an underground spring. Are you ready to get started? Here’s how to create a mantra for 2023 and stick to it.

Where to Find Inspiration for Your Mantra

Since time immemorial, people have looked to mother nature to spark insight. The color green, for example, can symbolize renewal and abundance – inspiring you to start a new chapter in your life.

Do you want another idea? Stroll to your nearest museum and spend some time gazing at the artwork. Images often evoke stronger emotions than words, and a painting that calls to you could provide insight into your perfect mantra. You might even be inspired by the lives of the artists.

4 Rules for Creating Your Mantra

Creating a mantra is a highly personal process but a few rules provide necessary structure. Keep these guidelines in mind when writing yours.

1. Keep It Positive

Mantras are all about healing and personal growth. Therefore, keep yours positive. That doesn’t mean being fake and pretending everything is rainbows and unicorns. If you are going through a tough time in life, your mantra may focus on cultivating more gratitude for the blessings you do have.

2. Keep It Short

You don’t have to be Shakespeare to write a mantra! The best ones are short and sweet. For example, “I am enough” or “no mistakes, only lessons” don’t contain many words but may work more effectively than a lengthier phrase that twists your tongue.

3. Make It Memorable

You want to call upon your mantra in times of trouble and strife. It’s hard to think when you are stressed, making the midst of a crisis the worst time to choose a new one. Therefore, pick one that’s easy to recall.

4. Make It Meaningful

The bottom line? Your mantra will only guide you if it’s meaningful to you. You have to feel the meaning of the words, not simply recite them — so take all the mindful time you need in creating yours for 2023.

When, Where + How to Recite Your Mantra

Here’s the beautiful part: You don’t have to reserve your mantra for special occasions. While you can recite them as part of a self-care day or reflect on them on the yoga mat, you can also employ them in daily life to adjust your mindset and renew your spirits.

Perhaps the best time to recite your mantra is when you experience negative emotions or events that make you doubt yourself and your abilities. Write your mantra down — put it on Post-its and stick it anywhere you might need a reminder that you rock.

Photo by Min An. 

Author headshotCora Gold has a passion for living a happy, healthy and mindful life. As Editor-in-Chief of Revivalist and an avid writer, she aims to inspire others to do the same. Follow Cora on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

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