How Womb Yoga Can Help You Connect To Your Feminine Energy | By Joss Frank

Last Updated: May 13, 2021By

Ten years ago, had you asked me “How do you connect to your feminine energy?,” I would have most likely responded with a blank stare. Along with many other women, I simply didn’t know how to do this or why I would do this. What I did know is that like too many other women, I was suffering with many aspects of womanhood. I had very painful menstruation, womb trauma (from assault and abuse), negative views on many of the feminine experiences (including pregnancy and menopause), poor relationships with other women and a lack of confidence. Does any of this sound like you?

I could tell you the exact vision I had for myself: to feel confident, free, light, connected and in my power. I spent many years on a loop of failed efforts trying to achieve this vision I had for myself. I tried counseling, courses, books and podcasts. But, I still had horrible menstruation cramps, my womb trauma was still very present and I didn’t feel confident. When I discovered yoga — and even became a yoga teacher — I thought, surely, now I can heal these parts of me and feel empowered. But yoga was not getting to the root of my woman-specific issues.

Then, one sweet day, I found my healing path. It was a womb yoga session I stumbled upon. For the first time ever, I was asked to connect to my womb space. I was told that my womb space was sacred and powerful. I instantly felt a deep sense of appreciation for my body that I had never felt before.

In womb yoga, I was invited to connect to my cyclical rhythm, and it felt incredible. Working in alignment with my rhythm versus against it released a lot of my suffering. My energy improved, cramps lessened and my self-love soared. I also started to build healthier relationships with other women. Overall, I felt healthier and more in-tune with my feminine body.

Most women can give you a story of their womb-based challenge. Perhaps it’s painful menstrual cramps, hysterectomy, a traumatic pregnancy, a disorder such as endometriosis or a womb trauma such as assault or rape. The womb has become a source of pain, guilt and shame for so many women. However, in many ancient traditions, the “womb space” (also known as yoni) is a sacred space of positive qualities such as creativity, power and compassion.

This is where womb yoga comes in. This is a special style of yoga which allows you to connect to your womb-space to build a healthy relationship. It’s for women of all ages and no physical womb is required. Womb yoga typically includes tailored asanas, breathwork and guided awareness practices. Womb yoga guides you to emotionally, physically and spiritually connect to your womb-space in a simple and easeful way.

If you’re suffering with some aspect of womanhood or just ready to feel more connected and confident, womb yoga just might be your path to feeling lighter, calmer and more empowered. Sending yoni blessings and support to you wherever you are in your journey.

Photo by Poppie Pack.

Joss Frank

At Wild Womb, Joss makes womb healing and empowerment easy with sacred rituals and practices for women of all ages to enjoy. Joss guides women to show up in the world as their MOST authentic selves by embracing their feminine experiences, sexuality and creativity. Joss offers free 20 minute Womb Discovery chats to discuss where you’re at and where you wish to go. Women always leave these chats feeling uplifted and inspired: you’re curious to learn more about Private Online Womb Therapy Sessions or the online course Reclaim Your Feminine Womb Power, visit here:


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