Determining my ONE THING | By Juli Rathke

Last Updated: June 28, 2019By

You know the book, right, THE ONE THING by Gary Keller, where he states that by doing this “one thing” all else will become easier and or unnecessary?

Sounds pretty simple doesn’t it? Well, I have additionally subscribed to the podcasts, because as it turns out, I simply can not comprehend what this ONE thing really is and I have been working at it for about 18 months. I am getting closer to a repeating behavior which I will share on next week’s IGTV.

What I have discovered is something I have applied with my Expert’s Club group and it seems to be working out very well … perhaps you want to give it a try yourself?

For me I love the 3 commitments:

1. Follow the Path of Mastery – this is something I think all entrepreneurs should work on, as I call it, Master and Move on. But don’t forget the move on part.

2. Move from E (entrepreneurial) to P (purposeful) – again, the focus has to be on making an impact or positively influencing others rather than your bottom line.

3. Live the Accountability Cycle – as we all know action determines outcomes, and we all need to be more accountable and open to feedback. The loop starts with ACCOUNTABILITY and then when that slides it moves to “LIFE HAPPENS” (or as I call it “lifeinterruptus”) where we start to make excuses when things pop up unexpectedly or we start to point blame and then we move to the “VICTIM” of why it was never going to work in the first place. Sound familiar? I have seen this cycle countless times with my coaching clients and myself if not aware of the cycle.

So, the truth remains, if you commit to anything you will achieve results!

As I continue to hone in on my ONE THING, I challenge you all to look at what your goals are and apply this filter. I know it has been a game-changer for a lot of my friends and clients!

Let me know how it goes and I will do the same!

Juli Rathke
Founder, Publisher of YOGA + Life®

P.S. Don’t miss me LIVE each week on IGTV! (that’s instagram folks!)


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