Inner Light Juice

Get Berry Balanced with Inner Light Juice | By Rachel Glowacki

Last Updated: August 28, 2022By

On a bluebird Colorado day, I was in line reading over the Inner Light Juice menu, having a hard time deciding between Eyes Wide Open juice (carrot, apple, ginger, lemon) and the Conscious Creator smoothie (banana, orange, turmeric, coconut, lime, vanilla protein, goji berries, chaga, flax, date, homemade almond milk) — both things I needed energetically and nutritionally. I decided to get both, because the homemade almond milk (raw almonds, purified water, cardamom, vanilla, date, maple syrup, sea salt) sounded incredible, and I am a sucker for anything with ginger. As I waited for my juice and smoothie, there was a sign to fill out a gratitude card and then put it into a jar. If they pulled your card, you got a free juice that week. After I paid for my nourishing goods, the owners Tricia and Keith said, “Bring your jars back next time, and you will get a $1 for each jar you bring back towards your next order.” What? Yes, they are the real deal and value sustainability. They pour their heart and soul into their food, where you can actually taste the light and love infused with each sip.

Meet Treasure (Tricia) Schultheis and Keith Carrieri, co-owners of Inner Light Juice, a mobile juice trailer serving all organic, raw, cold-pressed juice and super-food smoothies. However, Inner Light Juice is more than a mobile juice trailer; it is a love story towards transformational health and well-being for self, each other and our planet.

CHECK OUT INNER LIGHT JUICE’S NEW STOREFRONT: 115 E 2nd. St. Unit #2 Eagle, Colorado

How did you two meet and come up with Inner Light Juice?

Treasure Schultheis/Keith Carrieri: We actually both grew up here in the Vail Valley, but did not meet until our mid-twenties at a recovery group. We instantly connected and began living the path of sobriety together. We swapped out alcohol for juice, partying for meditation, and meat and dairy for fruits and veggies. We have fallen in love with this path of conscious living, each other and creating Inner Light Juice together. We believe that we all have an inner light within, that light can dim or go out, and when you choose to eat mindfully, your food can help reignite that light. We are what we consume. When we consume health, we receive more health.

This issue is all about renewal. What ingredients would you use to make a “renewal smoothie” and why?

We have to start with love. That is our main ingredient. We train all of our employees to use intention and channel good vibes into the food. For a renewal smoothie, we would use nutrient dense ingredients that bolster immunity, recovery, detoxification, stabilization and energy, such as leafy greens, fruits and veggies, and of course superfood powders such as spirulina, chlorella, maca, chaga and reishi. These ingredients are all raw and minimally processed to keep the integrity of the plant in order to get as much vitamins, minerals and enzymes into our bodies as possible.

Where can people find all this nutritious deliciousness?

We are mobile! Please check our website homepage, Instagram or Facebook for our weekly schedule including hours and locations at

Green Goddess Renewal Smoothie

Nutrient-dense powerhouse smoothie packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants!


  • 1 banana
  • 1 green apple, diced
  • 1 packed cup spinach
  • 1/2 tsp. chlorella
  • 1/2 tsp. maca
  • 1 tbsp. raw honey
  • 1/2 cup coconut milk
  • 1 cup ice


Add all ingredients together in a blender, adding the spinach first and coconut milk and ice last. Blend until smooth. Pour into your favorite glass or jar. Enjoy immediately while smiling and have the best day ever.



Photos courtesy of Innerlight Juice.

Originally published in Summer + Fall 2022 issue.

Rachel GlowackiRACHEL GLOWACKI is a yoga teacher, writer and thought leader in the kids yoga field. She specializes in mindful movement for all ages and abilities and has been teaching since 1999. She’s an award-winning author of the Kids Yogaverse storybook apps. Rachel hopes that one day mindful movement will be taught regularly in schools just like math and science! She believes that a calm brain is a learning brain and a healthy body is a happy body, principles she shares with her students young and old. Rachel lives with her husband and two sons in Edwards, CO.


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