Intentional Mindfulness During the Holiday Season | By Charity Collier
The holiday season is quickly approaching. Can you believe it? Soon, we’re going to be making lists, shopping for loved ones and probably dealing with a few people who are not so lovely along the way.
We’re cut off in the shopping line.
Someone steals your parking spot after they watched you wait patiently (argh).
The family member that we haven’t seen in years reminds us that we forgot to send them a formal invitation to dinner this year.
So many demands, and so little time.
As a mindfulness and meditation specialist, I help my clients not to get rid of these things — but to learn how to remain steady in the midst of all the chaos that life brings. Here are two practical tips to help you navigate the end of the year in pure joy, regardless of your circumstances.
Make the First Moment of Your Day Sacred mindfulness
How you start your morning often sets the tone for your entire day. For the end of 2019, become intentional with coveting the sacred time of your morning. Whether it’s 10 minutes or a full hour, commit to carving out quiet time for meditation, preparing for your day, or any ritual that makes you happy and at peace. If you slip with making it happen, it’s okay! Choose to give yourself the love and grace you need and decide to try again.
When Conflict Arises, Breathe It Out
Now that you’ve experienced this glorious morning filled with downward facing dog and your favorite coffee, be prepared to be tested. I repeat: be prepared to be tested! That’s how the school of life works, right? We learn the knowledge and then receive the pop quiz (when we least expect it).
As you’re going through your days and you feel irritation creep in, allow yourself to really feel it. This permission is a subconscious form of acceptance. You’re not a bad person for being agitated. You’re human that is experiencing a natural part of life. You deserve permission to feel it.
Breathe in deeply as you feel that annoyance of whatever is bothering you — then breathe it out. Breathe slowly and imagine yourself releasing the irritation out of your body. Do this as many times as you need (no words or additional thoughts required). Sit with your feet on the floor or stand straight. Allow your body to relax with the exhale, and smile! It sounds silly, but that smile seals the deal that you made it through.
Are you willing to join me on the journey of mindfulness during the holidays? If so, share your experience with your community.
Photo by Caleb Wood.

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