The 4 Benefits of Drinking Water Before Bed | By Mia Barnes

Last Updated: December 23, 2022By

Water is essential for your body to function correctly. You sweat, breathe and digest food throughout the day, which causes you to lose water. Drinking it can help you remain hydrated throughout the night and help you sleep well so you wake up truly refreshed. 

Here are the four benefits of drinking water before bed. You will likely feel better in the morning and see improvements in your overall health.

1. Cleanses Your Body

Staying hydrated through the night will help you break down the waste in your body and release toxins through sweat. It is suggested that warm water improves digestion while asleep since it increases circulation and perspiration. 

Drinking warm water before bed will keep you hydrated and help with pain and cramps. It aids digestion and can soothe uncomfortable feelings in your stomach while trying to sleep. 

Water is also a great way to practice oral hygiene. You may have missed some residue on your teeth after brushing and flossing. Water washes away leftover food that can cause cavity-forming bacteria. 

You can try adding some flavor if you don’t like warm water. Consider squeezing lemon juice in your water before bed for a sour twist that can also benefit your immune system.   

2. Improves Mood

It has been shown that water deprivation can negatively impact mood. Being irritable can affect your overall sleep cycle. If you want to wake up with a refreshed mind, drinking water before bed can help you cognitively function at your best.  

The brain is made up of about 73% water, so it is no wonder that hydration, cognitive performance and mood go hand in hand. Try drinking more water before going to bed to see if things improve.

3. Helps Regulate Body Temperature

Your body naturally prefers a cooler temperature to get quality sleep. Cooling off with water can be beneficial in a warm or hot environment. 

Drinking water before going to bed might help you sleep and drop your core body temperature. It might help relieve cold or flu symptoms so you can get better rest. Mouth-breathing throughout the night leads to more water loss, so stocking up on fluid before sleep can help with nasal congestion. 

4. Replenishes an Essential Nutrient 

Drinking water in moderation before bed helps keep nutrients in your body while staying hydrated. Water contains electrolytes, including calcium, chloride, fluoride, magnesium, potassium and sodium. It lubricates your joints and much more to keep your body functioning at its best. 

People report water intake before bed as a disturbance since getting up to use the bathroom can be a factor. Balancing the amount of water you drink at night can manage this issue. You do not want to go to sleep with your mouth dry, but you also do not need to chug a gallon of water. 

Reap the Benefits of Drinking Water Before Bed

Try having a moderate amount of water before going to bed to reap all the health benefits it provides. You will likely wake up refreshed and ready to tackle your day.

Photo by engin akyurt.

Mia Barnes is a health and wellness freelance writer with a passion for yoga, mindfulness and self-care. Mia is also the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Body+Mind Magazine. Follow Mia and Body+Mind on Twitter and Linkedin!

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