Time For Spring Cleaning | By Angela Gaffney

Last Updated: April 5, 2021By

If you’re anything like me, the first sniff of the fresh spring air makes me want to start pulling unnecessary items out of cupboards, wipe down all the fan blades, and get every nook and cranny swept and mopped. It is rejuvenating to simplify and refresh the house and it’s all the same when it comes to our mind and body.

What would it provide you to purge your thoughts, refresh your morning routine, or sit quietly after a busy winter just to reflect? Here are three simple ways to start your spring cleaning for improved health and happiness:

Clear the Cobwebs

Most of our thoughts are repetitive day after day and they unfortunately are not always serving us in a positive way. Start tuning into the quiet whispers that speak to you all day long. Are your thoughts celebrating you or limiting you? If you experience critical thoughts about your body or appearance, thoughts that create anxiety, or even negative thoughts about the possibility that exists in your life, it’s time to purge and refresh! When you recognize a negative thought, silently say “stop, this thinking no longer serves me in this life” and then replace the thought with a new one that is powerful, supportive and the exact opposite of what you were thinking. For instance, if you were experiencing a negative thought about the wrinkles on your face, you might instead say “I am beautiful.” Speak it as if you’re living it today, with intention, power and gratitude. In time, you’re negative, limiting thoughts will be replaced with positive, empowering ones.

Purge the Pantry

Spring is the perfect time to purge the pantry, fridge and freezer for outdated or nutrient-void foods. Amazing staples to stock the kitchen with can include:  whole grains, beans, nuts, seeds, fresh fruit, leafy greens, fresh vegetables, bone broth, organic eggs, organic tofu, wild-caught fish, and organic meat and poultry. Snacks could include nut butter, organic rice cakes, whole grain crackers, hummus, salsa, organic corn chips and fresh guacamole. The options are endless; just do your best to purchase whole foods as often as possible and when you do select a prepackaged food make sure that you can read the small list of ingredients. The body needs vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients to thrive; honor the needs of your body and celebrate all that it provides you in return.

Get Quiet

Provide yourself space and time for reflection. What is it that you’d like to do in the coming months to feel your best? Sometimes we move at such a fast pace that there’s no room to reflect and assess how well we’re doing with our goals, commitments and health. In this quiet space, explore what’s most important to you. How have your choices been supporting the health outcome you wish to have? If there’s room for improvement, what steps could you take?  Invite the quiet into your life, it’s where the magic happens.


Photo Credit: Kim Fuller

Angela Gaffney, CHC, is a catalyst for healthy transformation. After overcoming a disease she was told would take her life, Angela teaches others simple strategies to achieve health and excel in their career. Angela is the best-selling author of Feel Good, Look Good, For Life. To hire Angela to speak at your next event, discuss a wellness program for your corporation, or take advantage of complimentary health tools, please visit AngelaGaffney.com.

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