Dream Incubation For Greater Self-Awareness : A Handbook By Kelly Lydick
Chapter 11 Excerpt: Setting Intentions dream
What does it mean to set an intention?dream
Intention setting is the core of the dream incubation practice. It is the linguistic component of the practice, and that which we use to engage the conscious and subconscious mind in a kind of dialogue.
When you set intentions, you should do so without the expectation of a particular result. This seems like a paradox doesn’t it? How can I set intentions for a desired outcome and at the same time know that the outcome I am asking for may not occur? Then, what’s the point? Well, as soon as you begin to engage in this dialogue with the mind, the correct answers will come to you. Intention setting does require a great deal of trust — A trust in the knowing that whatever is in your highest good will come to you by way of the answer to the questions you ask.
Think again about the Buddhist concept of non-attachment. This is exactly the kind of mindset required for the highest, most effective answer to come to you. Trust that the higher self and the subconscious mind already know the answer to the questions that you are seeking answers for. It’s amazing what can occur if you let go and trust.
Intention setting can be a statement or a question, although questions are more effective.
Intention setting is the request of the conscious mind to the subconscious mind and the higher self for a particular dreaming experience, and a particular answer for a result.
In my work with my clients, I have seen answers occur in just one to two attempts at this process. I have also seen that some questions remain unanswered for a time and then appear at a later time. Trust that what occurs to you is the exact right thing at the exact right time. Remember, when you set intentions, part of that is being comfortable with letting go.
Framing Your Questions
Framing Your Questions is an important part of the dream incubation technique as you’ll often be communicating with your subconscious mind. The subconscious mind primarily hears verbs. It also cross references your incubation questions to old memories and beliefs. With this technique, you can begin to utilize your intention setting and question framing to uncover the “faulty beliefs” that are stored in the subconscious mind. These beliefs can create blockages beyond your conscious mind’s awareness that slow or hinder progress of personal growth. With the Dream Incubation Technique, you can begin to better understand these faulty beliefs and uncover ways to release them.
It’s important to steer clear of questions that can be answered with a simple yes/no reply. Instead, ask open-ended questions that are a bit more complex, combined with the energy of intention setting. Your dreams will reveal to you the answers in their own symbolic language that you can learn to decode.
Examples of effective questions include:
- What do I need to know about increasing my health and vitality?
- What next step should I take to advance my career?
- What does my higher self need to communicate about creativity?
You may also use statements instead of questions, although these are not as powerful as asking questions. Examples of effective statements can include:
- Tonight I will lucid dream.
- Tonight I will dream of reconnecting with my loved one.
- Tonight my higher self will guide me to the answers I need to most understand right now.
Remember the most powerful questions allow the space for any answer to be acceptable. Be open to whatever the collective unconscious will convey, and whatever your higher self will convey in order to receive the answers you seek.

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